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A solar panel covered umbrella structure can charge electric cars for commercial car parks.
SolarBotanic Trees claims that their solar-paneled charging station can power the electricity needs of an average household.
The 'solar tree' features photovoltaic 3D leaf-shaped nanotechnology that also provides shade to the parked cars.
It has been designed for commercial car parks such as airports, office sites, supermarkets and exhibition centres.
The new charging station has been developed with with Co-Innovate, which supports SMEs in London.
Co-Innovate utilises resources from Brunel University London, the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) and the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC).
In our latest podcast we talk to Jack Eaton-McKay and Aidan Cole-Baker about research work at Jacobs.
Listen to learn about research at Jacobs and how the company is growing knowledge alongside student employees.
Researchers at the University of Tokyo, Japan, have created a controllable robotic finger coated with living skin tissue.
Dr Tahsin Ali Kassam summarises a recently granted patent relating to the decomposition of energy storage devices.
A hydrogen pipeline is being installed at the Materials Processing Institute to demonstrate UK green steelmaking.
The first commercial, sand-based, high-temperature, heat storage system is now operating in Western Finland.
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